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As we all know, CBD is legal. The Italian legislation, though, is severely lacking any precise explanation on the uses we can do with the substance. Nevertheless, CBD products are everywhere, and the market is expanding very fast. Even if you don’t like to smoke, you can experience the joys and the many good effects of CBD in various forms: sprays, creams, lotions, oils and so on.
What good effects we are talking about, you may ask. Well, CBD is very well known for helping with different conditions. Studies show how it can be a really important ally in alleviating anxiety, depression, muscular tension, joint and chronic pain, endometriosis and arthritis related pain, sleeping problems and insomnia.
It can even be helpful for your dog and in the bedroom, if you know what we mean. Even if all of this is proved, it can be useful to know how much CBD stays in your body and in your urines, maybe for a job, for a sports competition or for a very conservative family member. In this article, we will tell you everything we know about the subject, and if you have more questions about CBD, THC, CBD products and how they help with what, you can read our blog!
The difference between CBD and THC on a drug test
CBD is a chemical compound. When we consume CBD based products, in any way, this substance stays in our body. It’s not the only one. For example, alcohol may completely disappear from the body in just a few hours.
In comparison, weed and THC (the other chemical compound found in cannabis, the one that gives you the psychoactive effects and that is used mainly smoked in flower form) lingers longer. Studies show that the length of time THC continues to show in a drug test depends on a lot of factors, like how much body fat a person has, how much they smoke, how often they consume the substance, and the sensitivity of the drug test.
For someone smoking cannabis for the first time, tests may detect it for about 3 days, in someone who smokes cannabis three or four times per week, the detection window changes, and it’s 5–7 days. To add, urine tests can detect cannabis in the urine for approximately 3–30 days after use, saliva tests can detect cannabis for approximately 24 hours after use. Some saliva tests have detected cannabis for up to 72 hours.

But what about CBD?
Your method of CBD intake can influence wildly how long it lasts in your body. As we were saying, you can smoke CBD but you can also use it in oils, lotions, vape or edible form. If you smoke or vape CBD, the substance enters your bloodstream very fast, within seconds.
Brain effects occur the quickest. If you take CBD in an edible form, the effects are slower, and are influenced by your metabolism and your diet. The effects can last between one to three hours in both ways. But be aware! Just because you are no longer feeling the effects on your body and on your brain, that doesn’t mean it is no longer in your body or no longer detectable by a urine test. CBD, but it depends on the persone, could stay in someone’s system for days or weeks, depending on the dosage and method of use.
When CBD is taken orally, on average, it’s likely to stay in your system for between 11 and 28 days. It may seem like a long period, but it’s nothing to worry about: CBD is non-psychoactive and therefore, it won’t impact your day-to-day life. Most drug test don’t even check for CBD. You have to worry if your CBD contains traceable amounts of THC. This means that if you use CBD with THC in it, there is a chance that it could show up on a drug test.
What about CBD oil, specifically?
CBD oil is a very popular way to introduce your body to CBD. It’s easy to dose and to take, it doesn’t have any smell, and it’s safe to use in any setting. CBD oil typically stays in your system for around a week. However, this can vary depending on how often you use CBD oil, as well as the strength of the oil. If you use CBD oil frequently, it may stay in your system for a longer period of time.
CBD oils that contain any level of THC, even the legal level of less than .3% could potentially cause you to fail a drug test. The best way to avoid this is to buy good products, and to be sure there are no THC or impurities in your oil.

Let’s talk about urines!
Let’s start from the very beginning, by asking: what is a urine test? A urine test is a medical test performed on a urine specimen. It’s a valuable diagnostic tool, because the urine’s composition reflects the functioning of many body systems, particularly the kidneys and urinary system, and specimens are easy to obtain.
Now let’s proceed to the matter of the discourse? Is CBD detectable in urines? If yes, for how long? The sad truth is, we can’t be sure. As always when we talk about CBD, studies and research on the matter are limited. However, one study from 2016 found that subjects tested positive for CBD metabolites within two hours of administration, but flushed it out of their bodies within 24 hours. That’s a good indicator, right?

Conclusions and warnings
Even if CBD is legal and for the most part harmless or even beneficial, some people might have a problem with it. Knowing how much it can last in your organism and in your urines can be useful for jobs, sport competitions and such. Also, we have to warn you.
CBD can interfere with some medications, causing their malfunction, and induce side effects like diarrhea, dry mouth, changes in your appetite, low blood pressure, light headedness. Talk to your doctors before embarking on this adventure, go low and slow with the dosage and always listen to your body and its reactions. Good luck!