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Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by chronic pain and fatigue, affects countless individuals, predominantly women. In the quest for effective remedies, many have turned to cannabidiol (CBD) oil, a derivative of the cannabis plant. Unlike THC-based products, CBD does not induce psychoactive effects, making it an appealing alternative for those seeking relief from fibromyalgia symptoms.
While studies online suggest CBD oil may provide significant relief, scientific validation remains limited, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve its use for this condition. This article aims to explore the potential benefits and risks of CBD oil as a treatment option for fibromyalgia. It’s also important to consult with healthcare professionals before embarking on this therapeutic journey.

Major Takeaways
- Diagnosing and treating fibromyalgia is difficult because of its complexity. It comes with depression, fatigue and chronic pain that negatively affects the sufferer.
- Some of fibromyalgia’s treatment includes lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, and alternative non-medical solutions.
- More studies are required on using CBD to treat ailments like fibromyalgia.
- Sufferers should talk to doctors before using CBD, especially if they are on medication.
What Is Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is produced from commercially grown cannabis plants worldwide. However, most people tend to stay away from cannabis-derived plants because of its “highness” effects. CBD comes as a safer alternative to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Also, THC is the compound responsible for the psychoactive effect of cannabis plants. Thus, CBD users don’t suffer from any adverse effects associated with marijuana.
Uses of Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil
We have listed some of the medical purposes for CBD oil:
- Schizophrenia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Glaucoma pain
- Epilepsy
- Bipolar disorder
- Chronic pain
- Inflammation
- Social anxiety disorder
- Insomnia
- Multiple sclerosis
- Smoking cessation assistance
- Cancerous tumours prevention
CBD Oil and Its Effect on Fibromyalgia
The medical world has yet to find the most effective means of curing fibromyalgia. Hence, people use experimental drugs, supplements, and other options to manage their pain. Fibromyalgia can leave a sufferer with the following symptoms:
- Mood and cognitive issues
- Fatigue
- Muscle pain
Most fibromyalgia’s treatments concentrate on pain management but can leave the user with adverse side effects. Furthermore, users can experience addiction to these pain relief medications. However, with the introduction of CBD, it has become easier to manage pain and improve the quality of life without side effects.
A review of a group of fibromyalgia sufferers who used cannabis for treatment, experienced relief after two hours. Some of these people got relief from stiffness and chronic pain, including better sleep patterns.
CBD functions with the endocannabinoid system to reduce pain and inflammation through a complex process.

Studies on CBD Oil and Fibromyalgia
- A 2020 study stated that people can use cannabis to manage their fibromyalgia symptoms. However, it concluded that more studies should be conducted.
- A review carried out in 2017 showed that CBD can be used in treating pain.
- A 2015 study considered the use of CBD in treating chronic pain from existing research.
- Another research in 2015 talked about the medical use of cannabis in treating multiple sclerosis pain.
Is CBD Oil Effective in Treating Fibromyalgia?
Over the years, scientists have carried out studies based on CBD oil for fibromyalgia. Today, we have the opportunity to read quality research based on the medical use of CBD in treating pain. Some of these studies concluded that when you get treated with CBD, you can experience modest benefits.
For instance, fibromyalgia sufferers can get relief from pain, reduce inflammation, and sleep better with CBD.
How to Prevent Fibromyalgia?
The cause of fibromyalgia consists of several factors, like genetic issues. Sufferers start experiencing the symptoms after significant stress levels or trauma. Post-traumatic stress resulting from mental or physical trauma can cause fibromyalgia. As a result, some reviews suggest that with the use of CBD oil, it becomes easier to eliminate the pain crisis.
In addition, CBD ensures that the brain eliminates memories that can cause PTSD issues. The result is due to the fact that CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the brain area.
Medications and treatments that interact with this part of the brain can ease nightmares, anxiety, and interrupted sleep. Since fibromyalgia has no cure, sufferers often use different medications and alternatives like stress-releasing activities and exercises to curb the symptoms. However, more studies are expected to concrete some of the claims.
CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia Side Effects
Some people have experienced adverse effects while using CBD oil for pain-related ailments like the following:
- Dry mouth
- Liver enzymes change
- Low blood pressure
- Drowsiness
- Lightheadedness
- Increased tremor (For Parkinson’s disease)
Furthermore, the World Health Organization has stated that more research should be done on the following effects:
- Hormonal levels alteration
- Immune system stimulation ( low levels)
- Immune suppression (higher levels)
If you want to use CBD oil to help alleviate your fibromyalgia symptoms, you can find the highest quality CBD products that are safe and effective at Hempati. Our selection includes a range of products, such as CBD Oil, which is a popular choice for those looking for a natural way to manage pain.

Tips for Administrating CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia Treatment
- You need to allow the CBD oil to work for a period before you can make your judgment about its benefits. When you use CBD consistently for a long time, you will notice its positive effects. In addition, the CBD form and dosage determine how effective it can work.
- Consider using high-quality products if you want to use CBD oil for fibromyalgia. Some CBD products contain impurities like herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals because of their source. Therefore, ensure you read customer reviews before buying any product.
- Since CBD is not easily absorbed or digested, you can try using it with a healthy fatty snack. However, you can take advantage of the water-soluble form of this product.
- You should consider discussing with a doctor if you want to use CBD oil to treat fibromyalgia symptoms.
Is using CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia Legal?
Often, many people are surprised that talking about the legality of CBD is not simple to answer. If you reside in the United States, you would realize that cannabis is a divided debate. As a result, some states would not allow you to use cannabis, while others have no problem with its leisure and medical uses.
The 2018 Farm Bill has answered the legality of using CBD oil for fibromyalgia by stating that every CBD product must contain THC less than 0.3 percent. Furthermore, the bill classified cannabis as a legal agricultural item or product.
Fibromyalgia Non-Drug Treatments
Aside from using CBD oil, you can treat fibromyalgia with these alternatives:
- Dietary changes
- Warm-water exercise
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Acupuncture
- Mindfulness techniques
- Physical therapy
People who suffer from fibromyalgia often have challenges with a permanent solution to their chronic pain. Although CBD oil can ease the symptoms associated with this disease, it cannot cure it. Studies have suggested that people who use CBD oil for such diseases experience fast relief.
We recommend that before you use CBD oil for your pain, consider the pros and cons. In addition, understand what your region’s law states about using cannabis-derived products.
Finally, some supplements and medications containing ingredients like grape water can interact with cannabis’ derived products. Talk to a health professional if you have an underlying medical condition that requires special drugs.