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Characterized by slowed movements, tremors, and balance problems, Parkinson’s disease affects many people, victims, and their families. Parkinson’s disease is best described as a neurodegenerative disorder that can negatively impact one’s quality of life. Once simple-to-do tasks become overwhelming and downright impossible to the patient.
If you’re a patient of Parkinson’s disease or a relative to one, everything is on the table regarding remedies. The good news is that with some healthy lifestyle changes and the right blend of vitamins and supplements, getting your life back, even with Parkinson’s disease, is possible.

Potential Benefits of CBD to Parkinson’s Patients
Parkinson’s disease is when part of the brain becomes progressively damaged over many years. This deterioration leads to more severe symptoms over time. A person with Parkinson’s disease is mostly affected in muscle control, balance, movement, sensory function, thinking ability, mental health, and more.
Researchers are actively probing Cannabidiol (CBD) to see whether this natural compound found in the cannabis plant has what it takes to improve the lives of Parkinson’s disease patients. The absence of psychoactive properties in CBD means it does not cause the “high” sensation that marijuana is often associated with.
Instead, CBD is rich in various therapeutic properties that can benefit individuals with Parkinson’s disease. To that effect, researchers have conducted some studies to associate the properties of CBD with Parkinson’s management. Now, fair warning: CBD studies are insufficient to warrant a complete change in managing the disease.
From the preliminary results of recent studies, it’s clear that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates motor control and inflammation. This revelation means there is a possibility of this remedy working. CBD can be leveraged to target these pathways to provide relief.
Let’s ask science: Parkinson’s disease and CBD can work togheter?
A study published in 2019 theorized that CBD could mitigate neurological inflammation and, by extension, treat Parkinson’s. There is a need for further testing and analysis of this claim since an understanding of Cannabinoids is still insufficient. However, CBD has shown promise in treating symptoms of brain disorders.
In 2020, the Food and Drug Administration approved a CBD drug for seizures for Parkinson’s patients. The results of the study were nothing short of impressive. Out of the 13 participants, 10 reported experiencing an improvement in symptoms associated with Parkinson’s.
The remaining three dropped out of the study, citing the side effects of the CBD treatment. However, it wasn’t a complete fairy tale, as five out of the 13 participants reported elevated liver enzymes as a side effect of consuming high amounts of the drug. There was no placebo to compare the results.
Before the success of this study, another research project was conducted in 2019. This study included four controlled trials where one trial reported improvements in the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Although more research should be done on this topic, the results are promising.

CBD Oil and Parkinson’s Disease: How to Use CBD Oil?
When used alongside a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a nutritious diet, the results are even more effective. CBD oil comes in various forms, including tinctures, capsules, and topical creams. Your doctor or trained professional will guide you on the best product. Each form comes with unique benefits and considerations.
Tinctures are everybody’s favorite. These are liquid extracts consumed sublingually (under the tongue). They are perfect because they quickly absorb into the body and are easy to administer. Tinctures are the ideal choice for Parkinson’s patients since they are no hassle for the patient.
Hempati offer excellent full-spectrum CBD oil varieties completely natural and third party tested. Our selection of cbd oil is designed to bring you the precious benefits of cannabidiol, amplified by the action of the terpenes and flavonoids naturally contained in Cannabis. CBD isolate – also known as CBD crystals or cbd isolate crystals – is the purest cannabidiol that can be found.
Hempati cbd isolate is 100% natural, it’s extracted from first choice Cannabis Sativa crop. It is produced by removing all other compounds found in the plant, including terpenes, flavonoids, plant parts and other cannabinoids and has no traces of THC
Capsules are convenient. They are a precise way of consuming CBD oil. Topical creams are perfect when you want to get localized relief for muscle stiffness and joint pain. Each form has its place in the treatment of Parkinson’s. Your doctor will help you settle on the best form of CBD.
The effectiveness of different CBD oil forms does not depend on the product itself. No. It may vary depending on the individual. Some patients may find that tinctures offer the most immediate relief. Others may prefer the convenience of capsules. You can experiment with different forms to determine which works best for them.
Potential Side Effects of CBD
CBD oil is generally well-tolerated. It is considered a supplement, not a medication, and you should be aware of potential side effects and precautions. The side effects vary from dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite to more severe effects. These effects are typically temporary.
Usually, the effects will subside as the body adjusts to the CBD oil. In more severe cases, CBD can lead to liver injury, especially when the oil is consumed in high amounts or taken alongside other medication. Depending on the individual, CBD might also alter drug interactions and cause allergic reactions.

CBD oil will likely interact with certain medications commonly prescribed for Parkinson’s disease. As always, consult a healthcare provider before incorporating CBD oil into your treatment regimen. Follow the recommendation to ensure there are no potential interactions or contraindications.
Until clinical trial data are sufficiently collected and analyzed, there is no way to tell whether CBD is safe and effective for particular symptoms. We can only rely on the preliminary studies, which are promising. Of course, the side effects you are likely to experience from CBD are dependent on formulation and dosage.
Likewise, we have yet to thoroughly understand the side effects of CBD oil and Parkinson’s Disease. Patients with Parkinson’s have many non-motor symptoms that put them at a high risk of experiencing these side effects. One way or another, the patient is likely to experience some kind of side effect from CBD, as long as it is acceptable.
Studies on CBD oil and Parkinson’s disease provide hope and inspiration for patients. Yes, more research is needed, but the evidence suggests that it may offer relief and improved quality of life. In any case, Parkinson’s patients must approach CBD oil use cautiously and consult with their healthcare provider.