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Being the responsible, caring ‘hooman’ for your furry friends and giving them the best is always at the top of your mind. You’re not alone. Now, you might be wondering if CBD oil for pets is even a thing. Well, it’s a real deal.

What is CBD?
Let’s start from the beginning. You’ve probably heard that CBD oils are natural remedies for various ailments (for animals, as well as humans). Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in the hemp (cannabis) plant.
Now hang on! CBD is not the same as THC (or Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is another compound found in the cannabis plant and responsible for all euphoric side effects. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive. Psychoactive, quite simply, is the “high” sensation derived from consuming cannabis products.
When CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and diluted with a carrier oil – the end result is called CBD oil. The carrier oil can be anything from coconut to hemp seed oil. That’s not quite good for pets, don’t you think? Well, CBD oil for pets is specially formulated to make it safe for them.
Why Use it for Pets?
Short answer: for the same reasons as a human being. That’s because CBD oils interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the human body the same way it interacts with our furry pets. ECS is a rather complex web of receptors found all over the body.
Our bodies are not that different from our pets. And just like in humans, ECS in pets regulates simple body functions such as sleep, appetite, pain sensation, and mood. CBD oils help restore any imbalance and promote the overall well-being of the consumer.
You are essentially helping your pet’s body naturally produce the cannabinoids it needs and further stimulating body functions. CBD oils ingested into the body interacts with the brain, organs, and overall immune system.
You can find out all the beneficial effects of cbd for dogs, cats, horses, birds, and rabbits at these links!
Hemp Plants and Pet Products
Nothing has drawn more people into the world of cannabis, like the potential health benefits and versatility. Ever heard of hemp? I bet you have. That’s the variety of the cannabis plant that contains a low level of Tetrahydrocannabinol and a high level of cannabidiol. This profile makes it particularly good for pets.
Pet products made from hemp are specially formulated to maximize health benefits without the psychoactive effects. Take CBD oil and treats, for instance. They are believed to help pets with anxiety-related problems.
Hempati oils for animals, on the other hand, are rich in anti-inflammatory, pain relief, and tranquilizing properties. It is a good treatment for depression in a pinch and a good remedy for pets with insomnia.
Hemp is a rich source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which is good for your pet’s skin. It is perfect for a shiny paw to a happy paw. You might not have noticed, but some pet shampoos, conditioners, and other topical products contain hemp.

Understanding the Cannabis Plant
The cannabis plant is a member of the Cannabaceae family that’s further classified as Indica and Sativa. Now, here is something new for you – there’s a third, lesser-known species of cannabis called ruderalis, but more on that later. Beyond the three categories, there are many strains and varieties.
No different from any other plant, the cannabis plant has flowers or buds, leaves, seeds, and a stem. The flowers – that’s where you will find the highest concentration of CBD. If you can associate cannabis based on the distinct aroma, you have Terpenes compounds to thank for that.
We can go all day talking about the compounds found in cannabis, but that’s far from the point. Different cannabis species have different needs. Some like it indoors, while others like a bit of headroom and would prefer being outdoors. Other than that, the usual conditions for light, temperature, humidity, and nutrition apply.
Colorado State University Studies on Hemp and CBD
As you can imagine, scientists have also taken an interest in the cannabis plant. After all, hemp products are taunted as a natural pain remedy for chemotherapy symptoms. The good folks at CSU (Colorado State University) studied the potential use cases of hemp and CBD products in animal health.
Remember how CBD for pets is specially formulated? Well, the breeding of the hemp plant is also explicitly done to bring out its more desirable traits. The study further revealed how safe CBD products are for epileptic animals and the effects of osteoarthritis in dogs.
Research so far has been big on the pharmacological effects of cannabinoids, but cases of cannabis toxicity in pets have not been extensively studied. The CSU study came close to helping us understand the effects of cannabis exposure on pets, and the conclusion is good news for all pet owners out here.

Active Ingredients in Pet Products
This is the beginning of everything great: active ingredients. Now, if you have searched for CBD oil for pets online or have come by one of these products in a store, then you must have stumbled on the term “full spectrum.”
Full spectrum means the product contains all the essential compounds found in the hemp plant. That’s cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Put together-these compounds complement each other’s therapeutic effects. Something called the entourage effect.
The opposite would be an isolate. CBD isolates are typically concentrations of particular compounds. They are just less effective than Full spectrum CBD oil. Full spectrum provides the product with a wide range of benefits for our furry friends.
Potential Benefits of CBD for Pets
CBD is really good for reducing anxiety and stress. Beyond that, CBD is beneficial for its anti-inflammatory properties. CBD for pets can improve the health immune system, and overall wellness of our furry friends.
Joint Pain Relief
CBD for pets has shown much promise in alleviating various pet ailments, key among them – joint pain. It can help reduce pain, particularly associated with arthritis, injuries, and even hip dysplasia. In older pets, CBD can help relieve them from joint pain associated with old age.
Reduction of Skin Conditions/Healthy Skin Maintenance
There’s something CBD can do for the skin too. Besides providing relief from allergies and skin conditions, CBD can reduce skin itch and promote healthy skin maintenance. Pet skin and fur tend to be sensitive, and applying natural ointment is the best choice you’ve got for keeping it healthy.
Improvement in Quality of Life
Now, here’s a disclaimer for you: the effects of CBD on the quality of life in pets vary from one pet to another, but there is growing evidence that the overall quality of life is improved. How? Better sleep, pain management, anxiety and stress reduction, improved cognitive function, and support for mental health.
Understanding Proper Dosage for Pets
This is really important as you don’t want to poison your pet, do you? First things first, maintaining the proper dosage for your pet is crucial for keeping them safe and making the most out of each dose of CBD oil.
There is no standard dose. Rather, the dosage prescribed to each pet will depend on a number of factors, such as the pet’s size, weight, and the condition you are addressing. Whatever the case, the rule of thumb is to start with a low dose and work your way up gradually until you achieve the desired effect.
As always, check with your veterinarian first before exposing your pet to any CBD product. A trained professional will help guide you to the right product and the right dose, depending on the individual needs of your pet. Remember: every pet is different.
Pet Parent Tips for Choosing the Right Dosage
With the increasing popularity of CBD oil for pets, it’s essential to choose a high-quality product to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Look for CBD oil that is made from organic hemp and undergoes third-party testing for purity and potency.
The best CBD oil for pets should contain minimal additives and should be free from harmful chemicals. Additionally, consider the concentration of CBD in the oil. Higher concentrations may be more suitable for larger pets or those with severe conditions. Reading customer reviews and seeking recommendations from trusted sources can also help you find the best CBD oil for your furry friend.

Carrier Oil Considerations When Administering CBD to Pets
The safety, efficacy, and palatability of the product should always be the first consideration before administering CBD to your pet. Carrier oils offer potential health benefits, but it is always best to find a product with a suitable carrier oil when giving CBD to pets. For starters, go with easily digestible oils for pets, like coconut oil, olive oil, and hemp seed oil.
Something else to consider is flavor. Carrier oils have distinct flavors that may not be appealing to pets sometimes, while others may be less noticeable. Consider the oil’s ability to improve CBD bioavailability. And be mindful of any known allergies or sensitivities to avoid triggering allergic reactions.
Hempati has just created a brand-new line of oils dedicated to animal welfare. Thanks to its concentration of 350 mg of CBD it helps reduce anxiety, improves the quality of sleep and can help reduce pain and inflammation when needed. The formula of this oil was developed with the utmost attention to the health and safety of pets, therefore it is completely free of THC, the main psychoactive component found in cannabis.
The oils are easy to administer and offer a combination of carrier oils and active ingredients. Try CBD salmon-flavour pet oil from hempati! Or if you want something even fancier, you can try beef-flavored CBD oil.
Avoiding Adverse Effects of CBD Products for Pets
First, consult a veterinarian. They will guide you to high-quality CBD products formulated specifically for pets. The Vet will recommend the best dosage of CBD for your pet as you observe your pet’s response. Pay close attention to your pet’s behavior during this time.
If all is well, you might gradually increase the dosage. When you find out any adverse effects after administering it, discontinue the use of CBD product until advised.