In this article we will talk about all the ways you can assume CBD oil, with a focus on the under the tongue kind. Is it different? And how? Let’s talk about it!
How can I take CBD?
When talking about CBD oil, there are five main ways one can go about taking it:
It is the easiest method, but the least effective as well. Only about 4% of the original amount of CBD will make it through this and reach the bloodstream to be transported to cells for use. It generally can take between 30 minutes and 2 hours for that small amount of CBD to get to work, because of the time needed for your stomach to process food and other substances.
It is better than swallowing your CBD, but the speed of its effect and how much reaches your blood depend on which of the rectal blood vessels absorb it and how the CBD is prepared. The effect of this method can also be reduced by health issues such as constipation and hemorrhoids, so its results are inconsistent and not the easiest to predict.
Moreover, we can say that it is not the most pleasant method, which is why there are so few suppositories on the market!
Generally referred to as vaping, it is a quick and consistently effective method: the CBD only needs to cross the thin, moist membranes in your lungs into your bloodstream. This means that the effects can often be felt within 10 – 20 minutes and up to 56% of the CBD can reach your blood for use in your body.
It means rubbing an oil or balm or cream into the skin: it is a bit of a peculiar method since, event though the effect can be felt within 25 – 45 minutes and up to 45% can reach the target area, its effect doesn’t reach the bloodstream, but remains localized to the area the product has been applied to.
Through putting oil under your tongue it is absorbed directly into the blood vessels via the sublingual membrane. The blood vessels there are close to the surface and extremely receptive, which makes for a quick and unimpeded journey for the CBD to reach your bloodstream. Substances taken this way take effect in about 15-25 minutes and because they don’t have to pass through the liver you can expect as much as 35% to reach your bloodstream.
The sublingual method is the most common way to take CBD.
However, since placing liquids under your tongue is not something we do often, it might take just a little bit to get used to.
How to assume CBD oil sublingually, a quick guide:
- Lift your tongue up. It might feel weird: in that case you can help yourself by keeping it up with one finger.
- Squeeze out the required number of drops. If you can’t exactly tell how many drops you’re administering, ask a friend to help you count and always err on the side of caution.
- Hold the oil under your tongue for no less than 60 seconds: 90 – 120 seconds is the ideal time, so that as much CBD as possible can be absorbed. You can keep your mouth either closed or open with your tongue raised, as long as the oil remains in contact with the membrane under your tongue for the full time.
- Once the time is up, you can safely swallow the oil so the remaining CBD can be absorbed in your stomach and none is wasted. If you dislike the strong earthy taste, you can take a large swig of water to wash down any remaining oil and clear your mouth.
Even if it feels weird the first time, don’t get discouraged! It becomes extremely easy and natural in no time.
The benefits of taking CBD oil under the tongue
The word ‘sublingual’ refers to the large blood vessel found under your tongue. When liquids are placed there, they can cross the thin membrane and enter your bloodstream.
The high effectiveness of sublingual absorption is a widely known fact in the medical community, as many studies demonstrate in relation to different conditions.
It is no surprise that the speed and reliability of this method played a key part in making it the most popular way to assume CBD products.
While vaping CBD is technically the highest effectiveness method, it comes with a higher barrier to entry: you need to buy a vape and keep it maintained and topped up, purchase specialized oils and can only vape in areas where it is allowed.

Sublingual absorption of CBD is a very close second to vaping as far as effectiveness is concerned, but it’s quicker and easier, requiring little effort and absolutely no special equipment, which is the reason why many prefer it.
Another advantage of taking CBD oil orally is that it stays in your system for up to 8 hours. Vaping has a faster onset of the effects of CBD but the substance stays in your system for only up to 2 hours. This means that in the long run you’re quite likely to use a lower quantity of oil, saving money compared to CBD e-liquid or other products that are eaten or swallowed.
The (limited) downsides of taking CBD sublingually
As we have covered, taking CBD through putting oil drops under your tongue is a safe, easy and effective method. While it doesn’t have strong downsides, there are still a couple points that may present some minor inconvenience to someone.
A minority of people may have a harder time getting used to it, requiring a few tries to understand how to correctly position the dropper and how to count exactly how many drops they’ve squeezed out.
If this is your case, the help of a friend can be crucial to help to develop the correct muscle memory. If you don’t have a friend on hand, even a mirror or your phone’s front camera can work wonders!

For those who love comfort, there are brands that have developed ways to make the operation of putting the oil under your tongue much more convenient, either through the use of atomizer bottles which allow to spray your CBD oil instead of having to place the drops or by producing specialty droppers that have specific amounts already marked on them.
Another aspect of taking CBD oil sublingually for some people is the taste. This only occurs with full-spectrum CBD oils that use hemp oil as a carrier, whereas with MCT oils or oils based on isolates the flavour is extremely bland.
In these cases, CBD oil has an intense, bitter flavor that comes from the hemp plant and that many may find unpleasant. This obviously varies not only from oil to oil (with higher quality oils often tasting stronger, with a grassy, earthy quality which sometimes even results in a slight burning sensation), but from person to person as well: some hold a very strong dislike to the hemp flavor, while others don’t really mind it.
If you find yourself discomforted by the oil’s flavor you can try taking a small mouthful of water and swirling around your mouth to clean the taste out after you’ve swallowed the oil. You can repeat this step as many times as you want if you feel so inclined.
Be careful
If you get any reaction worse than a bad taste or a slight burning sensation that goes away as soon as you rinse your mouth with water, stop using the oil immediately and talk to your doctor.
Sometimes bad reactions are caused by poor quality or contaminated oil: this is one of the reasons why taking time to do your research and buying from a reputable CBD oil producer is a crucial step to have a safe and enjoyable experience. We on have some recommendations for you.
You could also be allergic to some molecule inside the oil. The likelihood of this is rather low since it is a natural product with low risk of reaction, but be sure to always carefully read all labels, warnings and lab test results of any product you intend on using.